- Ethnic Czechs and Moravians in Texas
- Fiction books
- Non-Fiction books
- Plays and Documentaries
- Newsletters, newspaper articles and magazine articles
- Research articles on Texas Czech dialect
- Research articles on Texas Czech history and culture
- Ethnic Czechs and Moravians in America
- Fiction books
- Non-Fiction books
- Research articles on the language of American Czechs
- Research articles on American Czech history and culture
- Works by Svatava Pírková Jakobson
- Works on Svatava Pírková Jakobson
Ethnic Czechs and Moravians in Texas
Fiction books
Škvorecký, J. (1996). The bride of Texas. Toronto, Canada: Knoop Canada.
Non-Fiction books
Apperson, H. M. (1969). History of West, Texas, 1836-1920: Conflict of conservative cultures. Waco, TX: Texian Press.
Barber, M. J. (2010). How the Irish, German, and Czech Became Anglo: Race and identity in the Texas-Mexico borderlands. (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Barler, B. R. (1982). The Schiller family that came on the ship “Maria” February 1852. Bellville, TX, B. R. Barler.
Barton, E. (1982). Fifty years of benevolence: A golden Jubilee of the Mutual Aid Society of the Czech-Moravian Brethren 1905-1955. Taylor, TX: The Mutual Aid Society.
Cerny, A. J. (1999). Bezecny-Urbish roots in Czech Republic. Sugar Land, TX: A. J. Cerny.
Cerny, A. J. (2000). Dusek roots in Czech Republic. Sugar Land, TX: A. J. Cerny.
Cerny, A. J. (2001). Janik-Balcar roots in Czech Republic. Sugar Land, TX: A. J. Cerny.
Chotek, H. (1998). From the times of hardship: Original historical story from the life of the first Czech immigrants to Texas. F. M. Duncan.
Cope, L., & Hopkins, M. (eds.) (2015). Centennial ofo Czech studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Na zdraví to the next hundred years! Fort Worth, TX: NorTex Press.
Dutkova, L. (1998). Texas Czech: an ethnolinguistic study. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Arizona, Tucson.
Dvoracek, M., & Kral, K. (1996). Czech reflections: Recipes, memories, history, customs, proverbs, language, farm tasks, costumes and dance. West, TX: The McLennan- Hill Counties Czech Heritage Society.
Eckert, E. (2004). Kameny na prérii: Čeští vystěhovalci v Texasu [Stones on the prairie: Czech immigrants in Texas]. Dějiny a současnost [History and the Present]. Praha, Česká Republika: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
Eckert, E. (2007). Stones on the prairie: Acculturation in America. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers.
Exner, P. (2004). Historie Kulturně-historických krajanských organizací v Texasu. Hradec Králové: Universita Hradec Králové Pedagogická Fakulta. Not sure if it’s exactly relevant!
Folkins, G. (2007). Texas dance halls: A two-step circuit (Voice in the American west). Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Gallup, S. N. (1995). Kde domov můj?: Journeys into Czech-Moravian Texas. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Texas, Austin.
Gallup, S. N. (1998). Journeys into Czech-Moravian Texas. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Hannan K. (1984). From Silesia to Texas: A history of the Shirocky, Antonczyk, and Fojcik families. Dallas, TX: K. Hanna.
Hejl, E. (1983). Czech footprints across the bluebonnet fields of Texas: A series: Villages of origin. Fort Worth, TX: Privately printed.
Jandáček, A. J. (1955). U našinců v Texasu [Visiting our own in Texas]. Granger, TX: Našinec Publishing Company.
Konecny, L. H., Machann, C. (2004). Perilous voyages: Czech and English immigrants to Texas in the 1870s. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Machann, C., & Mendl, J. W. (1983). Krásná Amerika: Study of the Texas Czechs, 1851-1939. College Station, TX: Eakin Press.
Machann, C. (1998). Czech voices: Stories from Texas in the Amerikán Národní Kalendář (C. Mendl and W. James, Trans.). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Maresh, H. R., & Hudson, E.. (1934). Czech pioneers of the southwest: The history of a people in the development of a nation. Dallas, TX: South-West Press, Inc.
Skrabanek, R. L. (1989). We’re Czechs. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Smith, A. B (1986). The Czech Texan in the year of the sesquicentennial 1986. Dallas, TX: American Czech historical Society.
Strnadel, D. (1996). Emigration to Texas from the Mistek district between 1855-1900. Victoria, TX: Victoria County Czech Heritage Society.
Svrcek, V. A. (1974). A history of the Czech-Moravian Catholic communities of Texas. Madison: WI: V. A. Svrcek. Texas Czech Genealogoy Society. (2005). Czech family histories. Texas Czech Genealogy Society.
University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio. (1972). The Czech Texans. San Antonio, TX: University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures.
Welch, M. J. P. (1997). Country cousins. A genealogy of the Czech Texan families of Fitzl, Hajek, Hostecky, Pechacek, Peter (Petter), Srubar, Vacek, Vrana and related families. Framers Branch, TX: M. J. P. Welch.
Wokaty, K. M. (1977). The Shillerville story. The Czech community in Victoria County. Victoria, TX: K. M. Wokaty.
Wright, J. F. (1988). Czechs in grey and blue too!. San Antonio, TX: J. F. Wright.
Plays and Documentaries
Brown, J., Pyyhkala M., & Spaček R. (2006). Call of Dudy. United States of America: Peligroso Productions.
Silverstein, Annie (SXSW, 2011). Noc na Tanečku [Night at the Dance]. Documentary - short.
Spencer, Tom (2010). The painted churches of Texas: Echoes of the homeland [Malované Kostely v Texasu: Ozvěny vlasti]. United States of America: PBS Austin affiliate, KLRU.
Newsletters, newspaper articles and magazine articles
Brands, R. (2013, August 25). Czech Heritage Museum Genealogy Center .The Daily Texan. University of Texas at Austin.
Babineck, M. (2002, September 16). Czech Texans preserve the heritage of the major Lone Star ethnic group. Abeline Reporter-News. Retrieved from http://www.texnews.com/1998/2002/texas/czech0916.html
Breakfield, J. (1996). Texas Music: Its roots, it’s evolution. Texas Almanac 1996-1997. Retr. from http://www.texasalmanac.com/topics/culture/texas-music-its-roots-its-evolution
Bicha, K. D. (1970). The Czechs in Wisconsin history. The Wisconsin Magazine of History, 53, 194-203.
Chandler, S. (2013, Oct. 6). Mluvíte česky? Do you speak Czech? The Temple Daily Telegram, 2-3D.
Cope, L. (2014, Jan. 22). Texas Czech Legacy Project: Creating a Digital Archive of Texas Czech. Vestnik (SPJST Herald) 102(4), 20-21. (Reprinted in Náš Český Život (Our Czech Life) and Český Hlas (Czech Voice), the newsletters of the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center and The Czech Heritage Society of Texas).
Corcoran, M. (2011, March 5). From churches to dance halls, Czech it out of Fayette County. Austin American Statesmen. Retrieved from http://www.statesman.com/news/travel/from-churches-to-dance-halls-czech-it-out-in-fayet/nRX6F/
Dudek, J. B. (1925, June). The Czech Language in America. The American Mercury, 202-207.
Elbein, S. (2012, January 9). Caldwell Czechs In. The Texas Observer. Retrieved from http://www.texasobserver.org/caldwell-czechs-in/
Gallup, S. (1994, August 10). Czech Texans: A vanishing Breed is at Home on the Range. The Prague Post. Retrieved from http://www.praguepost.com/archivescontent/15786-czech-texans-a-vanishing-breed-is-at-home-on-the-range.html
Hannan, K. (1988). The Moravian potato. Naše Dějiny. The Magazine of Czech Genealogy and Culture, 7(6), 2-5.
Hannan, K. (1992). Texas Czech evolves over the period of 150 years. KJT News, 32 (8, 9, 11), 12-13, 14, 12-13.
Kallus, E. R. (1998). Heritage rescued: The Catholic Sokols. Part One. Náš Český Život [Our Czech Life], 2(1), 9, 13.
Kallus, E. R. (1998). Heritage rescued: The Catholic Sokols. Part Two. Náš Český Život [Our Czech Life], 2(2), 10.
Kunes, K. v. (1999, January 20). Y’all speak Czech?. Prague Post. Retrieved from http://www.praguepost.com/archivescontent/15786-czech-texans-a-vanishing-breed-is-at-home-on-the-range.html
Míček, E. (1935). How Czech pioneers helped to make Texas history. Central European Observer, 13, 341-343.
Miller, K. D. (1917). Bohemians in Texas. The Bohemian Review. Chicago, 1, 4-5.
Plocheck, R. (2000-2001). Czech Texans. Texas Almanac. Retrieved from http://www.texasalmanac.com/topics/culture/czech/czech-texans
Schnautz, B. Czech music. Texas State Historical Association. Retrieved from http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/xbcay
Skrabanek, R. (1984). Czechs in Texas. Věstník, 72(12), 10-12.
Turner, A. (1997, August 31). Czech it out/Texas Czech community remains close-knit, due in part to a 100-year-old, cherished institution. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl/1997_1433977/c
Research articles on Texas Czech dialect
Copel, L. (2016). Texas Czech Legacy Project:Documenting the past and present for the future. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2016(238), 105-125.
Cope, L. (2014, spring). Texas Czech Legacy Project: Documenting the Dialect and Ethnocultural Heritage of Ethnic Czechs and Moravians in Texas. Czech Language News 40, 5-8. [On the Texas Czech Legacy Project]
Cope, L. (2012). From ethnocultural pride to promoting the Texas Czech vernacular: current maintenance efforts and unexplored possibilities. In L. Cope (Ed.), Applied Linguists needed: Cross-disciplinary teamwork in endangered language contexts (pp. 96-117). Routledge.
Cope, L. (2011). From ethnocultural pride to promoting the Texas Czech vernacular: Current maintenance efforts and unexplored possibilities. Language and Education 25(4), 361-383.
Cope, L. (2009). Switching codes, affirming identities: writing in Texas Czech. Discourse and Interaction 2(2), 5-21.
Cope, L. (2008). Written codeswitching and ethnolinguistic identities of a Czech Texan. In C. Cravens, M. Fidler, & S. S. Kresin (eds.), Between texts, languages, and cultures: a festschrift for Michael Henry Heim (pp. 1-14). Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers.
Cope, L. (2008). Discontinued intergenerational transmission of Czech in Texas: The insiders’ perspectives on community language loss. In Rechcígl, M., Papoušek, V., Bauer, M., & Ptáčníková, V. (Eds.), Czech and Slovak culture in international and global context: Selected papers from the 23rd SVU Word Congress (pp. 598-608). České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia.
Cope, L. (2006). Discontinued intergenerational transmission of Czech in Texas: “Hindsight is better than foresight.” Southern Journal of Linguistics 30(2), 1-49.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2003). Texas Czech Ethnic Identity: So how Czech are you, really?. The Slavic and Eastern European Journal, 47(4), 648-676.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2001). The future of Czech in Texas: ‘How can you learn something if it's not offered to you?. Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Eastern European Journal, 14(1), 80-104.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2001). The Language of Czech Moravians in Texas: Do you know what ‘Párknu káru u hauza’ means?. Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 20(2), 51-84.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2001). Texas Czech: The Language of Texans who say they speak “A Different Type of Czech.” Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 20(1), 29-69.
Dutkova, L. (1999). Who are Texas Czechs? Language and identity of Czech Texans today. In Brody, M., Liebscher, G., & Ogren, H. (Eds.), SALSA VI: Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium about language and society-Austin, April 1998 (pp. 53-63). Austin: Dept. of Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dutkova, L. (1999). Texas Czech of Texas Czechs: an ethnolinguistic perspective on language use in a dying language community. Brown Slavic Contributions, Volume XI: Modern Czech Studies, 2-10.
Eckert E. (1993). Language change: The testimony of Czech tombstone inscriptions in Praha, Texas. In E. Eckert (Ed.), Varieties in Czech: Studies in Czech sociolinguistics (pp. 189-215). Atlanta GA: Rodopi.
Eckert, E. (1997). Češi v Texase: americká čeština na náhrobních kamenech [Czechs in Texas: American Czech on tombstones]. Naše Řeč [Our Tongue], 80(5), 260-269.
Eckert, E. (1998). Češi v Texase: moravské komunity a nářeči náhrobních nápisů. [Czechs in Texas: Dialects in Tombstone Inscriptions]. Naše Řeč [Our Tongue], 81(1), 38-49.
Eckert, E. (2004). Moravian dialects and the literary language among Texas immigrants, Linguistics Dialectological Colloquium, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Eckert, E. (2006). Moravian Dialects in Texas, “Tam za mořem/ Over the Sea“ [CD]. Frenštát p. R., Czech Republic. The Catalogue of the Moravian Emigration Museum.
Eckert, E. (2008). Reinventing standard Czech in Texas. Rechcígl, M., Papoušek, V., Bauer, M., & Ptáčníková, V. (Eds.), Czech and Slovak culture in international and global context: Selected papers from the 23rd SVU Word Congress (pp. 289-297). České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia.
Eckert, E. & Hannan K. (2009). Vernacular writing and a sociolinguistic change in the Texas Czech community. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 17(1-2), 87-161.
Eckert, E. (2011). Markers: gravestones and the linguistic ethnography of Czech-Moravians in Texas. East of the West. Retrieved from www.eotwonline.net.
Hannan, K. (1982). Language as a genealogical tool. The Moravian speech of Texas. Naše Dějiny. The Magazine of Czech Genealogy and Culture, 1(5), 6, 11-12.
Hannan, K. (1982). Language as a genealogical tool. The Moravian speech of Texas. Naše Dějiny. The Magazine of Czech Genealogy and Culture, 1(6), 6-7, 14.
Hannan, K. (1983). Ethnographic terms relating the Czech Moravian people of Texas. Naše Dějiny. The Magazine of Czech Genealogy and Culture, 2(4), 2-3, 18-20.
Hannan, K. (1996). Ethnic identity among the Czechs and Moravians of Texas. Journal of American Ethnicity History, 15(4), 3-31.
Hannan, K. (2003). Reflections on assimilation and Language death in Czech-Moravian Texas. Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, 16(2), 110-132.
Hannan, K. (2003). From one monolingualism to another: Ethnic assimilation as a product of language displacement in Czech-Moravian Texas. Český Lid, 91, 235-252.
Hannan, K. (2005). Refashioning ethnicity in Czech-Moravian Texas. Journal of American Ethnic History, 25(1), 31-60.
Hannan, K. (2007). Understanding language death in Czech-Moravian Texas. Research in Language, 5(1), 147-163.
Kutac, M. M. (1967). English loan words in the Czech literary language of Texas. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Texas, Austin.
Machann, C. (1976). The current state of the Czech language in Texas. In B. Hoffer & B. L. Dubois (Eds.), Southwest areal linguistics then and now: Proceedings of the fifth southwest areal language and linguistics workshop (pp. 270-279). Trinity University.
Malik, J. (1947). Efforts to promote the study of the Czech Language and culture in Texas. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Texas, Austin. Mendl, J. W. (1976). Texas Czech: historical Czech dialects in the New World. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Texas, Austin.
Mendl, J. W. (1978). Moravian dialects in Texas. In C. Machann (Ed.), The Czechs in Texas: A symposium (pp. 128-41). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.
Perkowski, J. (1979). Linguistic change in Texas Czech. In M. Rechcigl Jr. (Ed.), Studies in Czechoslovak history II (pp. 148-153). Meerut, India: Sadhna Prakashan.
Pintová, P. (2009). Czechs in Texas: a historical analysis of Czech language maintenance among the early immigrants and their descendents. (Unpublished bachelors’ diploma thesis). Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The demise of Czech in two Texas communities. (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Smith, C. S. (2001). Texas Czech: A study in Language death. Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, 14(1), 65-79.
Tomeček, J. M. (2011). Tož, tak to bylo, anyway: the borrowing and adaptation of the discourse marker ‘anyways’ in Texas Czech. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Texas, Austin.
Tomecek, J. (2008). The Texas Czech Dialect Project. Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal 21(2), 101-7.
Zittová, K. (2020). Čeština texaského týdeníku Našinec v roce 1988. [The Czech language of the weekly Našinec in 1988.] (Unpublished baccalaureate thesis). Charles University, Prague.
Research articles on Texas Czech history and culture
Blaha A. J. (1983). Czech settlements and families in Texas before 1900. Czech footprints across the bluebonnet fields of Texas series. Houston, TX: Privately translated and printed.
Bauroth, N. (2007). The painted churches of Texas. German Life, 14(1), 16-18.
Clayton, L., & Specht, J. W. (2005). Czech music in Texas. In Clayton L. & Specht J. W. (Eds.), The roots of Texas music. (pp. 20-21). College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press.
Cope, L. (2006). Authentically Texas Czech: Preserving the ethnocultural community. In Motlicek, T., & Rechcigl, M. (Eds.), Morava: From the world perspective. Selected papers from the 22nd SVU World Congress (pp. 330-344). Olomouc, Czech Republic: Palacký University Press.
Dravillas, J. B. (1998). Czech Culture in Fayette County, Texas. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Dubovický, I., & Wolchik, S. L. (1999). The Role of Czechs and Slovaks in America in the founding of independent Czechoslovakia. In The birth of Czechoslovakia: Seminar on the founding of the independent Czechoslovak state (pp. 37-62). Prague, Czech Republic: Set Out.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2000). Texas Czech folk music and ethnic identity. Pragmatics 10(1), 7-37.
Dutkova-Cope, L. (2005). Texas Czech folk music and ethnic identity. In M. Havránková (Ed.), Nadnárodní contexty národní literatury (‘Transnational contexts of the national literature’; pp. 169-92). České Budějovice, Czech Republic: Jihočeská Univerzita.
Dvoracek, M., & Kral, K. (1994). Czech Reflections: recipes, memories & history. McLennan-Hill County, Czech Heritage Society.
Eckert, E. (2002). The Years of Svoboda in the Texas Czech community. 1880s-WW1, Kosmas: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal. 16(1), 63-78.
Gallagher, E. (1993). Chapter VII: kolaches, polkas, and blessed chalk: The Czech Heritage. Christmas in Texas (pp. 22, 92-105). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Hannan, K. (1985). A study of the culture of the Czech-Moravian community of Texas. Unpublished manuscript. Dallas, TX: [s. n.].
Hanak, M. (1979). Reformist traditionalism and courage to synthesis: the Czech experiment in democratic justice. In C. Machann (Ed.), The Czechs in Texas: A symposium (pp. 173-183). College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.
Hewitt, W. P. (1978). The Czechs in Texas: a study of the immigration and the development of Czech ethnicity, 1850-1920. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Kariik, J. A. (1972). A history of the West community. (Unpublished master’s thesis). Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas.
Králová, N. (2011). Ethnic Identity of Texas Czechs in the County of Fayette. Czech centre in La Grange as bearer of Ethnic Awareness. (Unpublished bachelors’ thesis.) Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Morkovsky, A. J. (1979). The church and the Czechs in Texas. In C. Machann (Ed.), Papers from Czechs in Texas: A symposium, 88-94.
Pazdral, O. J. (1942). Czech folklore in Texas. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Skrabanek, R. (1983). Snook: a uniqueness in Czech culture. In A. Mesecke (Ed.), Czech footprints across the bluebonnet fields of Texas: Second Czech symposium, (pp. 58-70). Austin; Czech Ex-Students Association of Texas [CESAT].
Skrivanek, J. M. (1946). The education of the Czechs in Texas. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Stasney, M. E. (1938). The Czechs in Texas. (unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas, Austin.
Ethnic Czechs and Moravians in America
Fiction books
Cather, W. (1918). My Ántonia. Houghton Mifflin.
Kutak, R. I. (1970). The story of a Bohemian-American village. Arno Press.
Non-Fiction books
Cope, L., & Hopkins, M. (2015). Centennial of Czech Studies at the University of Texas at Austin: Na Zdraví to the next hundred years! Forth Worth, TX: Wildhorse Media/Eakin Press.
Bíróczi, D. (2010). Czechs in America. The Maintenance of Czech Identity in Contemporary America. Master’s Thesis. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.
Blaha, A. J. (1986). Hranice: The Moravian settlement on the Yegua. Houston, TX: Czech Heritage Society of Texas.
Bujnoch, D. (1986). The Bujnoch family: Our Czech-American history. Hallettsville, TX: D. Bujnoch.
Chada, J. (1981). The Czechs in the United States. Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) Press.
Čapek T. (1911). Padesát let českého tisku v Americe. [Fifty year of Czech press in America]. New York: The Language Press.
Čapek T. (1920). The Čechs (Bohemians) in America: A study of their national, cultural, political, social, economic and religious life. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Cerny, A. J. (2000). Cerny-Somer roots in Czech Republic. Sugar Land, TX: A. J. Cerny. Colvin, I. (1995). A Princess who could never be: An untold story of Mary Vetsera. Dallas, TX: NuDawn Publishing.
Dvornik, F. (1961). Czech contributions to the growth of the United States. Washington, DC: Benedictine Abbey Press.
Habenicht, J. (1996). History of Czechs in America (M. Koudelka, Trans.). St Paul, MN: Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International. (Original Dějiny Čechůvamerických.1904-1910. Saint Louis: Hlas).
Hejl, M., & Šilar V. (1993). Josef Lidumil Lešikar: Jeho život a doba. Horní Čermná, Česká Republika: Spolek rodáků a přatel obce Horní Čermná.
Jakobson Pírková, S. (1940). Czech and Slovak food patterns. Pennsylvannia State University: Committee of Food Habits.
Kučera, K. (1990). Český jazyk v USA. Univerzita Karlova, Česká Republika.
Laska, V. (1978). The Czechs in America, 1633-1977: A chronology & fact book. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications.
Nemecek, P. (2004). Historical and cultural essays on Czechs in America. PM Nemecek.
Saxon-Ford, S. (1998). The Czech Americans. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers.
Sternstein, M. M., (2008). Czechs of Chicagoland. Arcadia Publishing.
Research articles on the language of American Czechs
Eckert E. (1987). Lexicon of the first generation American Czechs. Review of Applied Linguistics 76, 25-41.
Eckert E. (1988). First-generation American Czech: A sociolinguistic survey. Language Problems and Language Planning 12(2), 97-109.
Eckert E. (1990). Simplification in transplanted languages: A study of motion verbs in American Czech. Review of Applied Linguistics 87-88, 95-118.
Dutkova, L. (1994). Cross-linguistic influence between Czech and English: Child case study. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Dutkova, L. (1995). Do they speak American Czech?. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Henzl, V. M. (1975). Cultivation and maintenance of literary Czech by American speakers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Stanford University.
Henzl, V. M., & Sussex, R. (1981). American Czech: a comparative study of linguistic modifications in immigrant and young children speech in the Slavic languages in émigré communities. International Review of Slavic Linguistics, 6(1-3), 33-46.
Kresin, S., & Kagan, O. (2008). Czech emigration and Czech heritage: Implications for teaching. In Cravens, C. Fidler, M., & Kresin, S. S. (Eds.), Between texts, languages, and cultures: A festschrift for Michael Henry Heim (pp. 109-120). Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers.
Kochis, B. (1980). Czech in Nebraska. In P. Schach (Ed.), Languages in conflict (pp. 111-118). Lincoln, NE; University of Nebraska Press.
Rakusan, J. (1993). Lexical polyphony in Chicago Czech texts. In E. Eckert (Ed.), Varieties of Czech (pp. 216-240). Atlanta GA: Rodopi.
Vašek, A. (1996). On Language acculturation in American Czechs. Brno Studies in English: Sborník Prací Filozofické Fakulty Brněnské Univerzity, S: Rada Anglistická/Series Anglica, 22(2), 71-87.
Weinlick, J. R. (1959). The Moravian diaspora. Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society, 17(1), 1-217.
Research articles on American Czech history and culture
Bicha, K. D. (1980). Community or cooperation? The case of the Czech-Americans. In Ward, C. A., Shashko P., & Pienkos, D. E. (Eds.), Studies in ethnicity: The east European experience in America (pp. 93-102). New York: Columbia UP.
Babcock, C. M. (1949). Czech songs in Nebraska. Western Folklore, 320-327.
Duben, V. N. (1970). 110 let českého tisku v Americe. [110 years of Czech Journalism in America]. Proměny, 7(1), 42-48.
Duzbabová, L. (2008). Czech and Polish migration in Chicago: a land of hope, a land of despair?. (Unpublished bachelors’ diploma thesis). Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
Garver, B. M. (1980). Czech-American freethinkers on the Great Plains, 1871-1914. In F. C. Luebke (Ed.), Ethnicity of the great plains (pp. 147-169). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Jahelka, J. (1938). The role of Chicago Czechs in the struggle for Czechoslovak independence. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984), 31(4), 381-410.
Jonston, J. (2008). The cimbál (cimbalom) in Moravia: Cultural organology and interpretibe communities. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation.) University of Michigan.
Machann, C. (1979). Hugo Chotek and Czech-American fiction. Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 6(2), 32-40.
Majdová, H. (2011). Úloha významých osobností čs. Zahraničního odboje působících v USA v letech 1914-1918. (Unpublished diploma work thesis). Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Martin, W. E. (1935). The cultural assimilation of the Czechoslovaks in Oklahoma: A study of culture contrasts. University of Oklahoma.
Naramore, R. (1973). Ethnicity on the American frontier: A study of Czechs in Oklahoma. Papers in Anthropology, 14(1). 104-114.
Nolte, C. E. (2009). Our brothers across the ocean: The Czech Sokol in America to 1914 [1]. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 26(13), 1963-1982.
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Works by Svatava Pírková Jakobson
Propp, V. A., Scott. L., Wagner, L. A., Pírková-Jakobson, S., & Dundes, A. (2009). Morphology of the folktale. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. (Earlier editions: 1958, 1968).
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1962). Selected bibliography of Slavic folklore, Part I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1958). Some symbols in Slavic ritual folklore: The whitsun ride of kings. Gravehage: Mouton & Co.
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1957). Moje meno je Anna Sečený (‘My name is Anna Sečený’). In Matějka, L. (Ed.), Kulturní sborník ROK (“The YEAR: A cultural collection’) (pp. 137-156). NY: Moravian Library.
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1956). Harvest Festivals among Czechs and Slovaks in America. The Journal of American Folklore 69(273), 266-280. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/537143
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1954). Review of Bibliography of Slavic Folk Literature by William E. Harkins. Midwest Folklore 4(2), 107-113. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4317451
Pírková-Jakobson, S., & Joffe, N. (1943?) Some central European food patterns and their relationship to wartime problems of food and nutrition. Czech and Slovak food patterns. Washington D.C.: The Committee on Food Habits, National Research Council.
Pírková-Jakobson, S. (1942). The study of Czechoslovak folksong in the United States. (Unpublished grant proposal.) Library of Congress: American Folklife Center.
Works on Svatava Pirková Jakobson
Harold, E., & Wagner, E. G. (2000). Svatava Pirkova Jakobson: A life dedicated to cultural sharing and understanding. New York: Association for Cultural Equity. Retrieved from http://www.culturalequity.org/alanlomax/ce_alanlomax_profile_jakobson.php
Havránková, M., & Toman, J. (2001). Quadrilog: Bohuslav Havránek, Zdeńka Havránková, Roman Jakobson, Svatava Pírková-Jakobsonová. Vzájemná korespodence 1930-1978. (‘Mutual Correspondence 1930-1978’). Prague: Charles University, Karolinum Publishers.
Marková, M. (2008). Sto let od narození Svatavy Pírkové-Jakobsonové (‘A hundred years from Svatava Pírková-Jakobson’s birth’). Retrieved from http://www.iliteratura.cz/Clanek/22247/pirkova-jakobsonova-svatava